Summer Reading Programs
Bring Hoop for Fitness for a fun-filled one hour session including your choice of Hula Hoops or Sock Poi. Each session includes a professional instructor introducing movement and basic coordination skills, fun agility games, and a demo performance by the instructor. For more information, please Contact Us!
History of Hula Hoops - presentation style program for larger groups that introduces creative movement with hula hoops as well as the history of this fun circle. Children are also introduced to Poi during this session. Crowd participation is encouraged and fun music is provided. Session ends with a professional LED hoop dance.
Guinness World Records - Hula Hoops! - presentation style program featuring 4 world records involving hula hoops. Crowd participation encouraged. Music provided. Session ends with a professional LED hoop dance.
Create-A-Hoop or Create-Poi - designed for smaller groups and involves creation of a fun movement toy that they can take home with them. Create activity is followed by instruction of how to use hoop/poi. Professional LED performance at end of session. $10/hoop and $5/poi additional costs.
Beginning Hoop Dance - hoop dance instruction that will leave everyone loving the hula hoop, laughing and dancing! Designed for smaller groups and larger spaces. Best for tweens, teens, and adults.